Saturday, December 19, 2009
What I'm Singing: Dec 18, 2009
For without further adieu, here is what I'm currently playing tonight!
The original song was done by Emarosa, and it completely kicks ass. This band I just found out will be playing at The Social (quite possibly my favorite venue here in Orlando...) Sugar Pop, meet Hardcore!
So yeah, check these bands. And I'll be sure to keep posting more music!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Ice Bar Sucks.
HOWEVER the company most certainly made up for the shitty bar service and sadly overpriced drinks. The Dechoes Family swept me away with them on their Holiday Party adventures in a kick ass SUV limo, courtesy of Allgems Limo, that owners Mike and Kerri surprised their staff with. It was a blast, but I always have fun with this motley crew no matter where we go.

I love my Dechoes family. You guys rock in so many ways.

Saturday, November 21, 2009
What happens in the DJ booth, stays in the DJ booth?
Yet another great weekend down in the books. The Magic beat the Celtics. My high school friends came in to Orlando to hit downtown. My good friend Lauren D. came in a week early from FSU and we hit our one-night tradition Big Belly Brewery for 3-4-1’s. Couldn’t have asked for more fun!
…Except last weekend. See photos below.
Ricky Diamond and I hit up Midnight Mass at Back Booth last weekend to spice things up a bit. We were going to give Sky60 a shot, but we got the good word that friends were elsewhere. Needless to say things got pretty crazy in the DJ booth!
This last Friday night was good. I caught the Magic game at Buffalo Wild Wings with my friend Scott Harris (think 740 The Game), which consisted of me ordering boneless wings with a side of all of Scott’s French fries LOL Luckily he says that he has dined out enough times with girls that he knows that we all eat the French fries of someone else. I-Bar was the typical, but the past 2 or 3 weeks I’ve been seeing more and more ‘suits’ there… What happened? Did all of the kids start switching from flannel to J. Crew? I ended up closing down Friday night at Stardust Lounge- I never knew that they had drinks there for $2.50…
Lauren and I shook things up for me this weekend by her calling me to say she was in town earlier than anticipated. Rather than attempting to get to Sky60 since last weekend it didn’t happen, we opted to climb the stairs and take in the night air at Latitudes. My friend Chris joined us, and we had a grand time debating philosophy (aka me sipping on Sweet Tea vodka while listening to Chris and Lauren talk about the bar being real because we think its real).
Chris has taken a fancy to busting my balls about my blogging. I know he’s only half-serious (he says he’s joking, but I always read into things far more than I should LOL). He asks if I can blog from my phone, and I say yes although I don’t have internet access on it. I say that I still tweet from it via text. I one-upped him in the form of microblogging.
Cross that one off of the to-do list!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Kids Aren't Alright
I just believe in people's rights to peaceful freedom of speech... And if you want someone to respect why you wear skinny jeans that are cutting off the circulation to your nutsack, don't wash the hair that is growing down to your mountain-man beard, and cover yourself in tattoos then you should respect their belief that you're going to hell in a handbasket.
I know that we’re in a recession, but come on people: why the violence? I have nothing against the indie kids in this town- don't get me wrong. I wish I could sport my body art, instead of having to cover it up for Corporate America, and stomach PBRs. I envy the way the girls can wear their high-wasted skirts and tank tops, and I just look like a dumpy sack of potatoes in mine. And damn it, how the hell do they all stay so skinny?! But apparently no one sent me the memo that if you play ‘Kids’ by MGMT backwards you can hear Satan telling you to beat up on people. Is that why there are now shootings at I-Bar, and the ‘free-thinkers’ are throwing fisticuffs?
Either way, College Indie Night at Independent Bar is still my favorite night of the week.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Etiquette of Free
This past weekend I was at an athletic event where all of the sponsors were giving out free swag. Maybe it was the heat, maybe it was the fact that I was out partying till 5am the night before… Either way, people were just rubbing me the wrong way.
I was working at my tent where we were giving out a variety of things- leis, candy, and tickets to the UMiami vs. UCF game amongst other things. People were spinning a Wheel of Fortune kind of rig to get the prizes, and everyone was a winner. Pretty straightforward, right?
Its amazing to me how rude people can be. Every time I start to have some faith in the human race, some douche comes along and destroys it.
“Which number wins?” They all do.
“Which number do I want to win?” Whichever one makes you happy.
“Which number wins me a car?” None of them!
“Oh. I already have tickets.” Good for you. Next, please!
“I don’t want this- can I have something else?” I didn’t know that this was a buffet…
“Can I have 2?” I didn’t know that this was an all-you-can-eat buffet…
“But I wanted to get leid!” Go have another beer.
And then the kids… I got to the point where I was tired of the kids (and their drunk parents) invading my personal space. I stood tall and firm, with one foot sticking out and unmoving so that when the kids trampled by they’d trip.
The next time you’re at an event and there is free ANYTHING, please bear in mind that the company who is providing it is doing you a favor. Its not your God-given right to receive anything for free: some nice business out there decided to spend a lot of money (in many cases, thousands of thousands of dollars) to give you and all of your drunk homeboys, mooching girlfriends, and crying children something for nothing.
Here’s some tips so you don’t make a faux pas that makes you look like a stuck up bitch (which is one of the least attractive things out there):
- TAKE ONE! Don’t ask for ‘one for your girlfriend’s sister’s unborn baby’. One is enough, and if the ‘extra person’ (if they even exist) they can very well come and get it themselves.
- DON’T ROLL YOUR EYES! Nothing is more rude than getting something for free, then rolling your eyes when its not what you wanted, you think is stupid, or you already have. Would you do it to your grandmother who just gave you a shitty birthday present? No. So why do it to a stranger? After all, it cost money too. And that business wasn’t obligated to give you anything (and they aren’t even expecting the half-assed hug you’d give your grandmother). If the beer is free, drink it!
- TIP! We all know that the words ‘Free’ and ‘Drinks’ don’t tend to equal ‘Wasted’, and we all know best way to get to get on a bartender’s good side is to do the simple task of tipping a fair amount. It never ceases to amaze me that many people still don’t tip on free drinks. If you’re happy with receiving a miniscule amount of alcohol in your beverage and would rather take home a tummy ache from all of the sugary margarita mixer than a buzz, be my guest. DISCLAIMER: Free drinks aren’t always shit. Anyone who has ever been to Wine Not Wednesdays at Dechoes know about Mike and Kerri’s infamous Dec-hoe Punch!
- DON’T ASK FOR SOMETHING ELSE! Its probably Numero Uno as far as douchiness goes for free swag. Never under any circumstance as for a different gift. If you do, I think it should be acceptable for the business to turn you away empty handed. If you have the audacity to look down on something that someone is handing you free of charge, then you’re a dick.
Remember Orlando, keep it classy!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Recession, Schmession! Savor the best of Orlando during Magical Dining Month!
For $20 for more casual places and $30 for the crème de la crème you will get one appetizer, one entrée, and one dessert. And that’s not for sharing, like many places are offering lately! Bring 2 friends and you’ll get to sample one of everything on the menu, since most of the restaurants are offering 3 things to choose from for each course. With that much food being passed around, be prepared for plenty of bang for your buck and some late-night snacking!
And who all is on this list of amazing restaurants? Only the best! But if you can’t make it to all of them, here’s the highlights that you really should take advantage of:
Winter Park
Chez Vincent- French food on Hannibal Square. Need I say more?
Luma- Everyone I have ever talked to about this place raves!
Hannibal’s on the Square- Quite possibly the best deal in this part of town!
Urban Flats- I went here with a friend and tore it up! We split the Loaded Potato Dip and Baked Cheese appetizers. Let’s just say the Baked Cheese gives tomato soup and grilled cheese a run for its money! The salmon was a huge portion and I could barely finish it. Go for the Lava Cake if you’re a chocolate junkie like myself!
310 Lakeside- You know how everyone has their default restaurant? Well-known in Lake Eola and Winter Park for their food, you have to try this place out. It will become your go-to place!
The Boheme- Located in the esteemed Grand Bohemian Hotel, this is upscale dining that you want to take advantage of while the price is locked at $30! Their Sunday brunch is well-known and also starts at $30.
Sand Lake Area
J. Alexander’s- My friend Raye went there and gave me fair warning! I ordered the onion rings, which literally were in a 2-foot tower! Needless to say I took most of them home (throw them under the broiler for about 4 minutes a side and they’ll be just as good as when you first ordered them). If you love beef, this is your place! The Maui Rib Eye and Filet with Bernaise were tempting, but they are known for their prime rib. I think at one point it literally melted in my mouth… I had to force myself to eat the hot fudge and vanilla ice cream since I knew it wouldn’t survive the ride home, and I had the chocolate cake boxed along with half of my entrée. All for $20! I sat up at the bar and had a wonderful conversation with the bartender Fred and caught up on my US Open highlights on their HD flatscreens.
Ocean Prime- Yet another place where you should believe the hype! I need to hit this place ASAP, since the prices are usually $30 just for the entrée. If you don’t get here before dining month ends, try out there Prime Hour Monday through Friday between 4p and 7p. Small plates are half off, etc.
Point Orlando
Cuba Libra- There’s a lot of buzz about this place, and it’s not only because of the grilled pineapple mojitos! Chef Guillermo Pernot is well-known for bringing Nuevo Cuban cuisine to the masses, and this place is a must for anyone who loves some Latino flair to their food.
The Capital Grille- Yet another upscale dining experience that you need to take advantage of while the prices are this low! Acclaimed by food critics, this is one chain restaurant that doesn’t have that ‘chain’ feel.
There are a TON of other restaurants on the list- I’ve only got time to highlight a few of them. Please no hate mail! LOL But check out the complete list HERE. You’ll recognize nearly every name, and there is a menu for all of us Foodies on a Budget (you liked that one, didn’t you?!) Go forth and conquer!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Brunch at HUE- Believe the hype!
I finally got to partake in an Orlando tradition: Sunday brunch! It just seems like the ‘It’ thing to do around here… Nearly all of my friends are ‘doing brunch’ somewhere on a Sunday. Me being the uncool kid that I am, I wanted in! Since it was my birthday last week on top of a 3-day weekend thanks to Labor Day, I turned it in to a Birthday Weekend and did a little splurging. Sunday was no exception! I packed up my laptop, a good book, and made a reservation at HUE in Thornton Park for 12:30p.
I’ve always heard that HUE is the ‘It’ place for brunch- the rumors of their Bloody Mary buffet were tempting enough for me to try drinking them again (I once took a sip of a friend’s one night, but Cara and I have since deducted that it was a 2-4-1 well and that might be why it tasted like crap). When I made the reservation, I left them know I was bringing a laptop and would need an outlet. They were more than happy to accommodate me, and I had a nice little table that was quiet enough to work but I was still able to take in the happenings of the place. With all of the hype of the Thornton Park area, I was caught off guard when I saw the prices of the food! Everything was modestly priced, even the mimosas and trips to the Bloody Mary bar!
I decided to take the ‘go big or go home’ approach and treated myself to one of my favorite things, which is eggs benedict. The Eggs Benedict HUE Style comes with 2 amazing crab cakes that left me wondering where the ‘cake’ was. There was also an amazing flavor to them that reminded me of Thai food. I also took advantage of the $4 Bloody Mary made with Absolut Peppar. At the ‘buffet’, you can choose from a few bottled selections of mixers, but why do that when you can take advantage of their house mix? You can also go crazy with the garnishes! They had everything from chilled shrimp and pepperoni cubes to blue cheese stuffed olives and peppers. Needless to say, I’ve found my newest drink addiction and had 2.
The one thing that I did really enjoy at HUE was the service! I was there for a good two and a half hours, and at no point did I feel rushed to turn the table over. My waiter was very nice, and took the time to explain the concept of the Bloody Mary bar to me. Any of you who waited tables will agree with me that service is a biggie when dining out, and I’ll even watch other tables to see how their service is. I know- weird habit LOL The servers at HUE work as a team- everyone is cleaning off tables, even if they are not in their section, as soon as someone is done eating. Fresh coffee was always being offered, waters were being filled before my glass was even half-empty. All those little things make big impressions on me! I was reading Atonement, and one of the waiters politely stopped by to ask if I was enjoying the book more than the movie, since he had just seen it and wanted to read the novel as well. We ended up swapping a few of our favorite selections (as us bookworms like to do).
I’m glad I’m finally getting back in to ‘single mode’ and trying out different places around town, even if it is just myself and a book. Cara and I were saying that you never really start to appreciate the city you’re living in until you start getting out there and taking advantage of the places and traditions that are known around town. I think Sunday brunch at HUE just might have to be my own little tradition…
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Birthdays on a Budget!
I made it to the ripe old age of 24!! No longer can I use the ‘I just graduated from college’ line, and I’m almost to the point where I don’t get carded every time I try to order a dirty martini! So how does a girl celebrate in the midst of a recession and still keep the swagger of a high roller?
Everyone likes to go out for dinner on their birthday! Sadly, my group of friends (most of us in our early 20’s), have all been hit pretty hard by the economy. If you are able to round up a group of your comrades, then you’re already familiar with the typical ordeal of finding a place that will make your friends’ bellies happy, their wallets full, and still be worthy of a celebration. Downtown Orlando is host to a variety of places, ranging from the cheap pizza-by-the-slice place you hit when the bars are closed to the upscale. Ceviche is one of those places that only looks expensive. Located on the corner of Garland and Church Street, Ceviche is a Spanish tapas restaurant that looks like it was plucked out of a fabulously old cathedral in Madrid and placed in sunny Orlando. When you walk in, take a gander at the wonderful architecture- those beams are really from a church, but I think the hostess said it was from France…
Ceviche’s menu is also not all about raw fish marinated in citrus juices, either! Although you really should try the salmon ceviche, the house ceviche is the best bang for your buck ($8.95, to be exact)- each oversized martini glass it is served in comes with oversized scallops, huge prawns, and massive chunks of fish. Like I said, though, their menu is not all about amazing fresh seafood! They have about 100 varied traditional Spanish tapas (not joking on the 100 number). Think of them as little mini-meals that you can order a few of and share with your friends. The prices of them range anywhere from $3.50 to about $9, give or take depending on what you order. The portions aren’t bad for the price, and everyone can find something that they’ll like. The food is built for ordering lots of different flavors, stealing bites off of other people’s plates, and really good conversations. Be prepared to spend about 2 hours there, since the food comes out little by little. You’ll also be taking in the beautiful décor and feeding off of the energy of the place to where you won’t want to leave! If you want to get a good experience of what tapas is all about, try the banderillas mixtas, croquetas, tortilla Española, and the champiñones de Sevilla. Bring a friend- you will leave with leftovers and still spend less than $25!
Ever spend tons of money on a birthday cake and it goes half-eaten because you bought too much and you had to throw it out after a week? I personally hate throwing out food, and throwing away dessert is one of the biggest sins one could commit in my home. But I’m also a big fan of desserts (my booty is proof!), so when I do have a birthday I like to have a really yummy slice of something special to seal the deal. The best place in Orlando I’ve found for that is The Dessert Lady! Located downtown on Church Street (and another location on Kirkman), The Dessert Lady is a chic little lounge in the beautiful Church Street Station building. It is lusciously decorated with rich reds and golds- almost as decadent as the desserts they serve up! I’m not going to lie- prices are a little steep at $10 a dessert, however (BIG emphasis on the ‘however’!) a slice of cake could easily serve 2-4 people! This is one place where I highly suggest the Buddy System!
Desserts are what they focus the most on- There are usually a few little things on the savory side if you’re looking for something of substance to go with your sugar high. They also have a good selection of wine and beer in case you’re not in the mood for ice cold milk or coffee. The service was great- the woman running the place was very knowledgeable and just as sweet as the desserts she was cutting in to. A few other couples came in while I was there splitting my zuccotto with Paul- some were there just to grab a late afternoon ‘snack’ (like myself), and one couple came in to look at potential wedding cakes. The space is also available to use for private parties, like bridal showers or birthday receptions.
Hopefully this helps gives you an idea of how to celebrate your birthday, or even just a fun night out! I know mine was a blast, and I was really glad I was able to do something where everyone was able to join in. After all, what’s a celebration without your friends?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Happy Weekending!
Crazy awesome last week!! Work was hectic as all hell, and Friday could not have come sooner. Chris and I made sure to blast ‘I’m the Ish’ by DJ Class while barreling down the 408 (as if we couldn’t reach the beautiful lights of downtown Orlando fast enough). But that’s not to mean that there wasn’t tons of good things that happened this week…
For starters, I won some AMAZING swag from my favorite radio station, 101.1 WJRR! I won a contest by being a member of Club 101.1- you can register on their website for free and without divulging info like your social, so do it! I initially registered because I was shooting for the Dane Cook tickets last month, so when I didn’t win I completely forgot about it. Then I got a phone call at work from the station saying I won the week’s drawing for lunch for 20 of my coworkers!
So the next day, Supa Dave from 101.1 comes by with Jason’s Deli- FYI their oatmeal cranberry cookies are dangerous! So are their brownies LOL But he brought sammies, desserts, drinks, cups, even a friggin’ box of ice with a scoop LOL It was pretty well done. So he and I chat about how I’ve been listening to the show since I was in middle school (we even joked that I’m only 15, so its not like its been that long LOL at least I laugh how I’m the youngest person in my company…) He remembers that I also have a swag bag, so we get it and inside I get 2 copies of the new Green Day CD, Korn’s latest CD, Earth Day Birthday shirts, stickers, 2 tickets to see Bruno, and 2 great seats to see Green Day when they come in August!! How cool?? COLD AS ICE!! And of course, all of my coworkers loved me for the chair massages that also came with their lunch!
So the weather is beautiful out today, and a lot of my friends are out by their pools. I’ve most def got the sunshine pouring in all of the windows. I LOVE FLORIDA!! …Sometimes. But because a lot of us are chilling by the pool and having friends over for parties, I thought I’d throw together a quickie menu that you can take to the pool that’s wicked cheap and easy to make for your friends. Barley is one of my new favorite pantry staples: you can use it like rice, but its much healthier for you by being packed with fiber. I had leftover barley from the other night, but you can make this dish the day-of and serve it hot, or keep it cold.
Barley-Black Bean Salad
3 cups of cooked barley
1 can of corn
1 can of black beans
1 lime juiced
A good drizzle of olive oil
Cilantro (if you’ve got it)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Throw everything into a bowl and mix it up! See, couldn’t be easier than that LOL I’m a big fan of those quick recipes that don’t take much effort or time. Besides, when you’re getting ready to chill with your friends, all you want to do it throw things together and go hang out, not stay tied to the kitchen. You can serve this with any kind of grilled veggies or meat that you’d like. Here’s another really easy thing to do with chicken.
TIP: When you’re grilling with friends, don’t think you have to break the bank to wow them! If you’re like me, you’re friends are already with the fact that 1. You’re feeding them, 2. You’re feeding them, and 3. You actually know how to cook! Pick up chicken legs at the grocery store (either skinless or with the skin, its your call).
Chicken legs
Pick a juice: orange, lemon, lime
Pick an herb: Cilantro, thyme, rosemary, basil (dry or fresh work just fine)
A drizzle of olive oil
Salt and pepper
Get a ziplock bag big enough to hold all of your chicken legs, and put them in it. Do about 3:1 juice to oil mixture in the bag. Chop up your herbs and throw those in, and add a good pinch of salt and pepper. Seal the bag, squish things around to mix, and let the chicken chill out in the fridge. You can do this about an hour before you want to throw them on the grill. Overnight works really well, too, if you’ve got the time. Fire up your grill and lay these on it for about 5 minutes a side on medium-high heat, or until you cook them all the way through. This recipe works well though for when you wake up, see how great the weather is, and call up your comrades to hit the pool ASAP.
Time for a summer beverage!! I love refreshing poolside drinks- and it gets a little too hot sometimes to be sipping on a sugary-syrupy daiquiri, so I prefer the simpler things in life, like a gin and tonic with LOTS of lime! But if you want to make your get together a little more special, try this on for size:
Caipirinha (the Brazilian answer to the mojito!)
Take a wedge of lime and smash it up in a glass with a pinch or two of sugar. You can also just squeeze the lime in the glass if you’re feeling lazy (or just in a rush…). Add ice to the glass, and top with about 2 oz. of cachaça (Brazilian sugarcane rum). You can drink this straight, or top it with a splash of tonic water. If you want to jazz it up a bit, add some mint to make a tasty cross between a mojito and caipirinha. Cheers!
Happy weekending!!!